jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010


Listen to the news about UK political parties agreeing to have televised election debates, and choose the best option (a, b or c) to answer the questions.

1. TV debates have been a key feature of American elections for …
a) a long time.
b) a short time.
c) ten years.

2. The political correspondent …
a) doesn’t know when the general election will be.
b) knows when the general election will be.
c) tells the date for the general election.

3. David Cameron (Conservative Leader) believes in live TV debates because they help …
a) answer people’s questions.
b) deal with important issues.
c) him give a better image.

4. According to the political correspondent,
a) The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, is very telegenic.
b) Gordon Brown feels nervous in front of a camera.
c) Tony Blair (the former Prime Minister) was not telegenic.

5. Ronald Reagan’s memorable performance in a TV debate took place in …
a) 1982
b) 1984
c) 1994

6. Gordon Brown has agreed to the TV debate because he …
a) doesn’t have much to lose.
b) is confident in his performance.
c) wants to answer people’s questions.

7. British nationalist parties haven’t welcomed the idea of TV election debates because…
a) the debates won’t be broadcast in Scotland or Wales.
b) the debates mean Americanising British politics.
c) their leaders have not been included in the debates.

KEY: 1. A 2.A 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C

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