viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Listen to Alain talking about the importance of HR (Human Resource) Departments and fill in the gaps with the words you hear. Number 0 is given as an example.

  1. They let me go and spend some time in the __HR__ department.
  2. …because it was full of all the things that HR departments do: company __________, value statements, paintballing, away days, etc
  3. … because it is the first time in __________ that we have organisations of 10,000 white-collar workers …
  4. …hearing each other munching in the next cubicle and they don’t __________ each other.
  5. …a 24-hour anti-bullying hotline. So, if anybody is giving you a __________ look or something like that, …
  6. …a whole file in the HR Department on how to cope if someone in your team has bad __________ .
  7. ….during that course they will be left in no doubt as to the importance of good __________ hygiene.
  8. In the old days home used to be associated with kindness, civility, ___________, generosity,…
  9. …it would be 9 o’clock on a Friday, my wife and I ….a few insults … the normal ‘wear and tear’ of ___________ family life. And I was thinking: if only the HR Department were here!

KEY: 1. songs 2. history 3. kill 4. dirty 5. breath

6. oral 7. good manners 8. busy

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